Sunday, December 29, 2024

A stranger on the road

Now I see you don’t see me
as you look over my shoulder past.
I’m a faceless stranger to you
stranger than the person last.

Now I remember you don’t remember me

or my salad days of dreams and fun. 

So my embarrassments slink away

among the reds of the setting sun.

Now I know you don’t know me

and the distance grows between us.

As you walk around the turn

and I board my bus.

Now that you can’t hear me

I was sure I can now whisper your name.

But then I tried in the silence walled by the noises around, 

And it all sounded a bit lame.

— Archana

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Cultural Conundrums

Angela Merkel says that German experiment to create a multicultural society has "utterly failed".

This is a big, yet inevitable, punch in the Europe's cosmetic pluralistic visage, it has been using to unsuccessfully mask its strongly tribalistic anatomy. Especially coming from Merkel who was the last (wo)man standing in this highly polarized debate centered on cross-cultural immigration.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

A moment in the Sun

Between the shadow and the soul*
Lie stories dark and untold
Waiting for that moment to burn bright
And cast long shadows into the night.

I'm told I should improve my style
So the story isn't lost amidst yawns and rheumy eyes.
If you ask me, it's the time
In the right moment it'll all sound riveting, and with a punchline!

When the hour finally arrives, late today.
Dusky and dim, it asks me as it ebbs away
Search for it under the light of stars
But I know well the moment has slipped afar.

Hiding behind a cloud, it dissolves in the rain.
Maybe with you around, tomorrow I can try again.

-- Archana

Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Evolution/Devolution of Artifical/Real Intelligence

I recently came across the following two articles and, rather fortuitously, ended up reading them in quick succession:

1. A fascinating account of journey of Demis Hassabis, the founder of Deep Mind (now Google's), towards the elusive and alluring goal of developing artificial general intelligence (AGI).

2. A fascinating (albeit in an entirely different way!) about the surprisingly prevalent and growing group of people who feel vindicated in denying even elementary scientific facts such as "earth is round". For the record, I did not even know that I am a 'globetard' :(


Nothing better highlights this strange conundrum of information age.  While we are on a quest to deconstruct and expand the fundamental core of intelligence at the disposal of human civilization, by actualizing it in agents presumably free of human limitations, we simultaneously grapple with our own stupidity and shun essentially everything rational. I wonder if this signals that it would be AHS (Average Human Stupidity), and not AGI, that will finally push us over the edge into The Singularity.

If an alien civilization were observing us, it would find this absolutely incredible!

Saturday, February 16, 2019


Somewhere between the boundless blues,
The twinkles of silver
turn into streaks of gold.
Nights merge into days, days into years
Raconteurs wither away,
the story never gets old.

-- Archana

Summer memories

Saturday, December 29, 2018

Does it matter?

What does it matter
That there is no happiness to share?
The pain remains faithful
And persists in the heart's lair.

When does it matter
That a fleeting moment stays?
I hold my dreams always near,
And wander far, losing my way.

Whom does it matter
That we walk together a mile?
To strangers all along,
Until the end, the journey seems futile.

Why does it matter 
That I could never say it loud?
My thoughts remain silent
As only my words were allowed.

It does not matter 
That I know it may never be mine.
When it parts the clouds
It is still called Sunshine.

-- Archana

Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Psychoanalysis of a teacher

One of the challenges, or occupational demand, of being a researcher in academia is to simultaneously be an effective teacher/communicator. Pedagogy in science is manifestly different from scientific writing, though one finds frequent appeals to a loose correlation between the two (usually an artifact of specious reasoning rooted in biased and restricted sampling).

One common theme in both teaching and writing science is that, like in any other activity, practice and experience either makes you better or, over time, lends a certain amount of begrudging leniency to your own flaws and that of your audience. Nonetheless, there is a vital difference between the two. In writing, grappling with hanging infinitives, spurious articles, oxford commas, and chasing that elusive submission-ready draft happens in relative isolation. On the other hand, teaching plays out in front of a fresh audience with every single trial. To add to the associated insecurity, there is really no one to teach you teach! Unlike the situation in writing, astutely depicted below:

Given its unfortunately and inescapably exhibitionist nature, with students being both silent critics and potentially disapproving witnesses at each turn, developing a pedagogical style for instruction can be a rather tortuous journey.

I came across this rather interesting discourse describing the travails of being a teacher in the essay Writers, Intellectuals, Teachers by Roland Barthes. Barthes adeptly adapts the analogy of psychoanalysis to teaching. The surprise is the demolition of the usual fallacy of the more knowledgeable person being the analyst in this situation. The teacher is the one on the couch! Read below and commiserate.

How can the teacher be assimilated to the psychoanalyst? It is exactly the contrary which is the case: the teacher is the person analysed. Imagine that I am a teacher: I speak, endlessly, in front of and for someone who remains silent. I am the person who says / (the detours of one, we or impersonal sentence make no difference), I am the person who, under cover of setting out a body of knowledge, puts out a discourse, never knowing how that discourse is being received and thus for ever forbidden the reassurance of a definitive image - even if offensive - which would constitute me. In the exposi, more aptly named than we tend to think, it is not knowledge which is exposed, it is the subject (who exposes himself to all sorts of painful adventures). The mirror is empty, reflecting back to me no more than the falling away of my language as it gradually unrolls...

... I then feel coming unstuck piecemeal in front of everybody. Scarcely have I made the audience smile with some 'witty' remark, scarcely have I reassured it with some progressive stereotype, than I experience all the complacency of such provocations; I regret the hysterical drive, would like to retract it, preferring too late an austere to a 'clever' discourse (but in that contrary case it is the 'severity' of the discourse that would seem hysterical to me). Should some smile answer my remark or some gesture of assent my stereotype of intimidation, I immediately persuade myself that these manifestations of complicity come from imbeciles or flatterers (I am here describing an imaginary process). It is I who am after a response and who let myself go as far as to provoke it, yet it suffices that I receive a response for me to become distrustful. If I develop a discourse such that it coldly averts any response, I do not thereby feel myself to be any more in true (in the musical sense), for I must then glory in the solitude of my speech, furnish it with the alibi of missionary discourses (science, truth, etc.). Thus, in accordance with psychoanalytic description, when the teacher speaks to his audience, the Other is always there, puncturing his discourse. Were the discourse held tightly fastened by an impeccable intelligence, armed with scientific 'rigour' or political radicality, it would nevertheless be punctured: it suffices that I speak, that my speech flow, for it to flow away.....

... Such is the cross borne in every public act of speech. Whether the teacher speaks or whether the listener urges the right to speak, in both cases we go straight to the analytic couch...
